Introduction to the Library Services

        The Library of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) is an academic institution providing services for CUG’s teaching and scientific research. Since its establishment, our library, with abundant and effective resources, has been committed to meeting the needs of our teachers and students. By the end of 2019, our library holds more than 1.6 million volumes and 114 electronic databases in Chinese and foreign languages. Meanwhile, the library provides various services such as catalog searching, regular borrowing, scientific and technological novelty search, retrieval and citation, selective dissemination of information (SDI), user training, document delivery, etc.

Contact Information:

        The Administrative Office, tel:027-67883146, email:
        Resources Construction Department, tel:027-67883147, email:
        Reader Service Department, tel:027-67883386, email:
        Information Service Department, tel:027-67883388, email:
        Intelligence Research Department, tel:027-67884663, email:
        Digital System Department, tel:027-67883384, email:
        New Campus Service Department, tel:027-67883384, email:

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